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Setup Steps For Company Accounts

10 Step Contents

1.  Create a free "New User Account" 6.    Upload Files
2.  Create a "New Company" logo account 7.    Select Co. Logo for search results
3.  Go to the Company Download Page 8.    Setup Editors / Members / Contacts
4.  Gather Files for Upload 9.    Setup Company Affiliates
5.  Categories / Items / Files 10.  Setup Web links

  1. Create a free "New User Account"

  2. Open a "New Company Account"
    Contact the Site administrator for a company account

  3. Go to the Company Download Page
    Login and go to the Download Page of the account you want to administer.

    Note: Login from the home page takes you to your "My Account" page, you can click on the company name in the left side menu under "My Companies" (alphabetical listing) or to the right in "Company Accounts" (customizable sorting). Login from any other page leaves you on that page but displays more options in the left menu. This is the same for all Company Members (account owners, administrators and guest members).

    Note: If at this time, you want to authorize and set up other Administrators to Upload files, skip to Step 8.

  4. Gather Files for Upload
    Because operating systems (other than Macintosh) do not allow file names containing characters other than the 26-letter Roman alphabet, numbers, a hyphen (-), underscore (_) or period, you must review your logo and graphic file names and rename them if necessary. When uploading files, the server will replace any other special characters including spaces (@,#,$,&,*,®,©, etc), with an underscore (_). If you don't want that to happen, or if you want to rename your files to make them better understood by others, now is the time to do it. (NOTE: before you change the name of any logos or graphics that you've imported into a layout, remember, doing so will break the link between the two.)

    1. Duplicate files:
      Here's our suggestion. On your computer, create a new folder (directory), for organizing files, this will make it easier when "browsing" for files to upload. Name it something like "Upload Files" and DUPLICATE all files there. Then rename the files, making sure they have a file Extension in the name (like .EPS, .TIF, .DOC).

    2. Make Stuffit/Zip copies of .EPS Logos
      Macintosh Adobe Illustrator .EPS files contain certain information that is usually lost over the internet (i.e. the preview image and the filetype/creator settings). Stuffing the .EPS file will insure the file's integrity for users who may experience a difficulty, and most users will have little trouble expanding the file. We suggest uploading both the native .EPS and a .SIT or .ZIP format file.

    3. File Extensions:
      It is important to have File Extensions on all your files for three reasons:

      First, the server may reject any upload without an Extension.

      Second, the Extension will be displayed in the "File Name" and the creator/editor application will be captured automatically (any raster/bitmap file: .TIF, .BMP etc will be assigned to Photoshop, and any .EPS will be assigned to Illustrator as a default, this may be changed by the user).

      Third, when uploading files, the System will make a Thumbnail image of most files, and for those that it can't, it will use an icon of the creator application. If the System does not recognize an extension, it may be assigned a blank icon, and you will need to assign the creator/editor application manually.

      Note: For Mac users not familiar with PC extensions. Here are a few: Quark = .QXD, InDesign = .INDD, Pagemaker = .PMD, Freehand = .FHD, CorelDraw = .CDR

  5. Categories / Items / Files
    At the download page, pick a default CATEGORY to upload Files to (you may rename, delete or add new Categories here). Categories contain ITEMS. Items (with a thumbnail) are created when uploading a FILE for the first time. Items may (and should) contain more than one File. Files may differ by format, color mode, platform and size of the same Item. The System stores a different thumbnail of each file, but only one thumbnail is used for the Item, and the first thumbnail created is used by default. Click on "Edit Item" to change the thumbnail.

    For example: In the "LOGO" Category, you create a new ITEM and you name it "Color Logo" or "Preferred Logo", and you create it with an .EPS format file, and a thumbnail is automatically generated to identify that Item. Then you add more files, maybe a (PC).BMP, a (MAC).TIF and a (Mac/PC).JPG probably in RGB color mode and add a Stuffit version of the .EPS file (to insure its integrity over the internet). Then you move on to the next Item, a "Grayscale Logo" or "Secondary Logo" and work your way down to "Black Logo" or "Logo with Tagline".

    Note: If you like the color accuracy of the thumbnails from the raster/Photoshop files better than those from the vector/Illustrator files, then upload any raster/Photoshop file first, then add the vector/Illustrator file next. Files are ordered alphabetically.

    Note: (when logged in as an administrator) There is a "Suggested Use" glossary popup at the far right of each Category. Click on it for a list of recommended Item versions and file formats for that specific Category.

    Caution: Be careful saving a CMYK file in .JPG format. It will download ok, but may cause viewing errors in browsers and webmail. Use CMYK for high-resolution printing files, and RGB for all others.

    1. You can MOVE Items (with associated Files) between Categories.
    2. You may REORDER Categories and Items in their respective Edit pages (files are alphabetical).
    3. You may change the Thumbnail of an Item (if it contains more than one File thumbnail to choose from)

  6. Upload Files
    1. PART 1: Three Upload options

      1. Upload Files (in left menu, under Company Options)
        This brings up an Upload File page with two (2) steps:
        #1. Create new Item, #2. Upload new File (confirm the Category, Security and Platform in the popdown lists)

      2. Add Item (click from within a Category)
        This brings up an Upload File page with two (2) steps also, but the Category is set here (it can be changed in the next window).

      3. Add File (click from within an Item)
        This brings up an Upload File page with only one step: "Upload new File" (Category is set).

        Note: after the server receives the file, the System creates a Thumbnail of the file (if possible), and picks an Editor/creator application based on the file extension (changeable in the next window).

    2. PART 2: File Details window

      Here you can change the File destination, editor/creator, and complete any details you deem necessary for the end user to know. You can also require "Download Feedback" that requires the user to explain what they're using that particular file for. You must click the "Submit" button to complete the upload.

      Note: The File Detail Names in green have glossary popups that explain them in more detail.

      Note: The Frequent Notes popdown has several selections that will display in the Download page UNLESS something is typed in the Notes field which will take precedence, in either case, the frequent note will always display in the View Details popup (in the Download page). Note: The Download page only has room to display several abbreviated File facts: Name, Size, Notes and Platform. Specific File information is in a popup accessed by clicking "View" under the "Details" heading for that File (on the far right).

  7. Select Company logo for search results
    (Found under the company name in blue, on the top of the Download page). Click on this link to verify or change the File Thumbnail used for the company search results.

  8. Members / Contacts
    (Found under Company Options in the left menu. Not available in the Basic Plan)

    1. MEMBERSHIPS: Three Levels of Trust

      1. The Account Owner is the Chief Administrator. Owners have all the powers of an Administrator plus they are the only ones who can:

        1. Edit the Company Profile
        2. Lock/Unlock crucial company files (from being inadvertently deleted)

      2. Administrators

        The purpose of multiple Administrators is to enable others to help the Account Owner. These team members have the ability to:

        1. edit, reorder and delete Categories & Items
        2. upload, download, edit, reorder and delete Files
        3. view company Download Logs
        4. initiate, authorize, approve, decline or delete other Administrators and Members (explained below)
        5. setup company Affiliates (explained below)
        6. designate company Contacts to appear at the top of the company Download page
        7. notify users Watching the company (for graphic changes)

      3. Guest Members

        The purpose of guest Members is to allow them to download company Private Files and to become a Contact on the company's Download page listing. Guest Members may become such by being appointed by a company Administrator, or by "Applying to Join a Company" (open a free User Account, login, go to the company download page, and either under the left menu "Company Options" click "Join this Company" or where a "Private File" shows "(Members Only)", click there and petition that company's Administration team to become a guest Member via email.


      As a default, the Account Owner is automatically assigned as the Administrator Contact of the company. The Owner may edit or delete that listing. Any Administrator may assign Contacts from the pool of available Members or create a Contact by appointment under "Edit Company Contacts".

      Note: all Members & Contacts must have a free User Account. When an Administrator initiates the User Account through the "Members/Contacts" page, the New User will receive an email from the System notifying them of the Account and the appointment status.

  9. Company Affiliates
    The purpose of Company Affiliates is to allow a quick convenient link from a parent company to its Affiliates to inform Users of other accounts that might be of interest. Use the "Edit Affiliates" page to set up affiliations with other companies. An Affiliate is a company that is linked to another company. Affiliations are one-way links like a one-way street (meaning that you can link one company to another, but that does not establish a link back to the first company). To make a complete two-way Affiliation, both companies involved need to set up Affiliation links. You will need the Company Code (it looks like "MYCOMP1") and can be found in the URL of the company's Download page or by asking the Affiliate.

  10. Web links
    Set up a link (or notice) from your Company's actual website to its Download Page. This helps promote the usability of your graphic files.

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